Vicki Micallef Eynaud

Vicki Micallef Eynaud

Vicki Micallef-Eynaud is a Dyslexia Specialist and heads the Special Needs & Literacy Department at St Michael Junior school. She has worked within the classroom as well as on an individual basis, supporting and assessing students with literacy difficulties. With over 30 years of experience in the field, she has developed a deep understanding of dyslexia and its impact on learning, as well as effective strategies and interventions to help individuals overcome challenges and reach their full potential.
Vicki is committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance to students, educators, and parents ensuring that they have the knowledge and tools to create an inclusive learning environment.

Area: Health & Wellbeing


  • Diploma in the Montessori Method of Education (London)
  • Diploma in SpLD (Dyslexia). Hornsby U.K.
  • Malta Dyslexia Association (MDA) Vice Treasurer