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How can I apply and book a course?

Booking can be made through this L4L website. Please follow the link in the course description which directs you to the booking and payment page.

Can I block or reserve a place?

Places are available until the maximum number of participants is reached. Reservation or blocking without payment is not possible.

Can I apply for one or more persons?

Each application must be booked individually.

What if my friend can’t get a place because the course is full?

Please contact the administrator.

Are there any group discounts?

In case of five or more persons, please contact the administrator.

How many sessions do I have?

Different courses have a different number of sessions. The number is given in the course description.

When is my first session?

The date is given in the course description.

What happens if a course does not take place (teacher is sick, public holiday, etc.)?

Generally, all cancelled sessions will be replaced. The teacher will find an alternative date or extend a few lessons to make up for the missed time.

How do I know if my course is cancelled?

Participants will be informed by email or mobile.

What happens if the required minimum of participants is not reached?

The course will be cancelled in the week prior to the first session. You will be informed by email and all paid funds will be returned.

At what time does my course start?

Courses start at different times. Times are given in the course description.

How long is one session?

Courses vary according to the demands of the subject and are usually between 60 and 90
minutes long.

Where is my classroom?

Courses will always take place in the same room. There will be guidance during the first sessions.

When does the next term start?

The L4L program is divided into three terms. Term 1 starts early/mid October, term 2 early January and term 3 after Easter.

Do I need to have any prior knowledge when applying for a course?

If knowledge is required, it will be mentioned in the course description.

Where do I get my course material?

Some courses require material which is normally listed in the course description. Otherwise, the teacher will guide you during the first session (copies, online material, etc.)

Do I have to sit for exams?

No, L4L courses are adult education courses set in an enjoyable and friendly environment. They do not lead up to public examinations.

How many participants are in a course?

Each course has a maximum number of participants according to the demands of the subject. When the course is full the online booking system will not accept further applications.

Have I been accepted to the booked course?

Once you applied and paid for the course, you will receive a confirmation per email.

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